quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2015

"Actual" e "Actually"

"Actually" não é 'atualmente' em português; é "na verdade; de fato". Normalmente a gente usa"actually" nestes casos:
1) quando corrigimos alguma informação: 
Ex. A: Hi, Anna, how are you?
      B: Oh, it's Anne, actually, not Anna. And I'm fine, thanks. 

2) quando estamos prestes a dar uma má notícia a alguém, ou falar sobre algo inesperado:
Ex.: A: So, how's the project going? Can I help?
       B: The project? Well, it's huh...actually, we have finished it already. We just didn't want you to be worried with it, so we did it without you.

"Actual" significa "real; de fato". Veja os exemplos:
1) On their website, they say the phone is 10 cm long, but its actual length is 11cm. 
2) I don't like to read e-books. I prefer the actual, physical book. 

Agora, se você quiser dizer 'atualmente', 'no momento', use "at the moment", "currently", "at present". E "atual" pode ser "current".

1) A: Where's John? 
    B: He's currently working in another country. 

2) One of the current problems our country is facing is inflation. 

3) He's facing some problems at the moment, but I think he'll feel better soon.

4) Brasilia used to be colder than at present

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